Outdoor AV Solutions for Perfect Picture and Sound
When it comes to outdoor AV, there are few things better than enjoying a home theater in your Richmond, VA backyard. From watching movies under the stars to catching the ballgame while enjoying a barbecue, there’s plenty of fun to be had. But for outdoor displays, you have a lot of options to choose from. So, how do you get the most out of your outdoor video? Find out by reading below.
See Also: Enjoy Your Movies Outside with an Upgrade to Your Property
The Problem with Light
When it comes to outdoor displays, you have several options. The most popular are projector-and-screen and outdoor TV. Both can make for an exciting movie night, but you’ll have to account for particular quirks with either one.
The most substantial question to ask before investing in an outdoor projector is about the lighting conditions. Can you control them? If not, a traditional front-projector may not be the right answer for you.
In a typical theater setup, the projector sits behind the viewer and fires forward. The reflection of the light fired at the screen is what makes the image. However, in areas with a lot of ambient lighting, your picture may be washed out and hard to see.
Outdoor TVs can overcome ambient light thanks to ultra-bright displays. Many can be enjoyed in any lighting conditions including direct sunlight. However, for many homeowners, a TV is no replacement for the feeling of a movie under the stars.
So how do you get to experience the true feeling of an outdoor home theater without suffering from the ambient light?
A Smart Solution for Backyard Home Theaters
The solution is simple: rear-projection. Unlike a front-projector which sits behind the viewer, a rear-projector sits behind the screen. The specially made screen then filters the light through, allowing for a brighter, bolder image. Rear-projectors are perfect for enjoying movies by the pool and anywhere in the backyard where there’s enough space.
Additionally, your home can benefit from outdoor lighting control. Fixtures in your foliage and along walkways may make your home look more beautiful, but they can cause a lot of extra light to flood your backyard. If you want to enjoy a movie, the ambient lighting may affect your picture.
On the other hand, with integrated lighting control, you can dim the lights anywhere in your backyard with the touch of a button. It’s easy to create a setting that will adjust the lights around the screen and projector while leaving them brighter in other areas of your yard for safety and beauty.
With a combination of rear-projection and lighting control, along with outdoor audio solutions, you’re well on your way to enjoying the perfect backyard movie night.
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